What is a BDA?

Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDAs) are signal boosters that sustain two-way radio communications throughout a facility –
including in stairwells, underground tunnels, parking garages, and other challenging areas. BDAs are amplifiers/repeaters
available in a variety of gain and power options – they boost and distribute a signal covering various frequencies. BDAs can be
part of a Distributed Antenna System (DAS), which is a network of separate antenna nodes connected to a common
transport medium. Collectively, BDA / DAS equipment is often referred to as wireless In-Building Solutions.
These two-way radio signal boosters are used to bring facilities into compliance with Emergency Responder Radio Coverage
(ERRC) code. ERRC code is the standards which apply to Public Safety DAS and radio enhancement systems as mandated
under International Fire Code IFC-510 and the National Fire Protection Association standards NFPA 72, Chapter 24.


Why is it Needed?

A BDA-DAS in your facility helps ensure that first responders remain in contact with each other during an emergency. Many localities now require  BDA-DAS installations within new buildings, and as part of renovation permits or inspection certifications. Installing Bi-Directional Amplifiers and Distributed Antenna Systems is not only beneficial for first responders in emergency situations, they are also important communication tools that improve productivity and safety for maintenance, engineering, operations, and security teams.

SOS Systems Essential Protection

A BDA/DAS in your facility helps ensure that first responders remain in contact with each other during an emergency -- even in challenging areas such as stairwells, underground tunnels, parking garages, and pump rooms. Boosting radio signals not only increases safety for first responders, it also helps public safety professionals better serve building occupants and visitors. SOS Systems offers an absolutely free (no obligation to you) quote for our potential clients. Please call us at 678-995-7677 to schedule a time for a consultation.
